About Me
Hi, I’m Jane, your friendly neighborhood dream doula! I am one of those people who found their spirituality late in life. I was raised as the daughter of a fundamentalist Christian minister, and that fear-based doctrine put me off religion for the next thirty years.
Several years ago, I began listening to stories about Near Death Experiences and became obsessed. Who doesn’t want to know what happens when we die? Studying NDEs led me to consider the bigger picture of my life’s purpose and meaning. I had a successful career in high-tech and wrote 50+ novels. I always felt my writing was sending positive messages out into the world. But was that the sum of my life’s purpose, or was there more I came here to do?
I spent an intensive 18 months learning to channel and then learning dream interpretation, both with Michael Sheridan at the Aisling School (which I highly recommend). It was my dreams, and channeling on their meaning, that helped me grow exponentially and opened my eyes to not only my true nature but my true potential.
I am absolutely enamored with dreams—they are wise, funny, profound, illuminating, bizarre, silly, and touching. They can be dark and scary or indescribably transcendent. I have learned more about myself in one year of journaling all my dreams and channeling on their meaning than I had in all the years of my life prior.
One of the things my dreams have told me is that I am to offer this service to others. I look forward to guiding you through your dreams or through a channeling session in which you can ask the pressing questions on your heart and my spirit guides will answer.