About Dreams
What can my dreams tell me?
Your dreams talk to you in symbols. It is a language known to your soul. You dream even in the womb, before you learn your family’s native tongue. People around the world dream in the same symbols, no matter what language they speak. Dreams are a universal soul language that is separate from any one human language.
You can think of it as a “behind the scenes code”. In a sense, you are a character in a game or simulation, and you are unaware of the game’s creators or that you planned out this game in advance! Interpreting dreams is like cracking the code that underlies the simulation.
Your dreams give you the most vital info for you to know right now. The “next big issue(s) to address”. This can include:
Health warnings
Career and relationship advice
Reminders of spiritual gifts you came here to use
Holding a mirror up to past traumas or negative personality traits you need to heal
Warnings of infiltrators or negative influences
And more….
Why don’t my dream just speak to me in plain English (Spanish etc)?
If my soul understands the message, why is it helpful for my conscious mind to understand it too?
First of all, it’s simply fascinating to find the hidden meaning in dreams. Who wouldn’t want to know?! But on a spiritual level, it’s valuable because, while your soul may ‘get the message’, it can be in resistance due to trauma, programming, depression, or many other reasons. After all, if someone told you to, for example, sell all you have and move to Siberia, you’d probably say, “Uh, no.” Children often do the opposite of what they’re told. Even biblical characters like Jonah were in resistance to the heavenly direction they received.
By interpreting your dreams, and becoming aware of the messages, you can then make a conscious decision about their advice. If you are truly determined to follow the direction of your higher self, and do everything your dreams tell you to do, your life will grow at an unprecedented rate, and in directions, you never could have foreseen.
What do dreams mean and why do they matter?
Before we are born, we develop a plan for this lifetime, what we wanted to accomplish, what we hope to heal, and how we plan grow on our soul’s evolution. We set up a plan to encounter certain events and people who will set us on the right path. But once we are born, we don’t retain a conscious memory of these things. We have free will, there are a myriad of distractions, and trauma can set up subconscious programs that act as obstacles to our path.
Your dreams contain messages from your higher self (or, if you prefer, spirit guides or God) that are there to nudge you back onto the path and guide your direction in life. They are messages to your soul, and your soul understands them at some level, even if your conscious mind does not.